A short time ago I heard my dog , Remus Lupin, barking. I went to the front door and looked out of the window. A beautiful doe and her fawn were in the front yard. This isn't new but it's the first time I was quick enough to grab a camera. I started taking photos through the door's windows. I decided that if my crazy dog hasn't driven them off, then I stood a chance of actually taking a few shots from the front porch. The baby did run back into the wood but the mama seemed to be both enjoying Remus and was also being protective of her baby. I thought I'd better just take photo after photo and hope something turns out. She seemed to even stop and pose a few times. She stomped her hoof and wagged her tail...and still Remus barked and barked. I'm clearly not a professional photographer, forgive the blurs and perhaps you can somehow love the moment as much as I did.
a lovely moment indeed
Thank you for your kind words.
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