Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another book review for you! Yippie Skippie!

Flannery O'ConnorThe Complete Stories

I'm a lover of Southern Lit and short stories. Flannery O'Connor can be blamed for both. Her stories cover the entire landscape of the South and its people- the good, the bad, and the ugly. For years I'd search out books of her collected stories in used bookstores and would have very little luck. Then in 1995 a college student I conversed with over the internet informed me of this book. I was bouncing off of the walls after reading that. I rushed to the largest bookstore within 25 miles of my home and found it! I've read and reread The Complete Stories to the point where I've actually managed to rub letters off of some of the pages. Treat yourself to some masterful writing, it'll be money well spent.

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